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第72章 《Boyfriend》(1/5)



伴随着《ll around the orld》的前奏响起,台下的粉丝们整齐划一的喊出了明俊赫的应援口号。


ou're beautiful, beautiful, you should kno it

ou're beautiful, beautiful, you should kno it

think it's time, think it's time that you sho it

ou're beautiful, beautiful

aby hat you doing? here you at? here you at?

hy you orking so shy? hold it back, hold it back

e're not the only ones doing it like that, yeah, like that






ll around the orld, eole ant to be loved

ll around the orld, they' re no different than us

ll around the orld

ll around the orld

ou're crazy girl, crazy girl, you should

请记住【半岛:恋上国民初恋】最新更新章节〖第72章 《Boyfriend》〗地址{https://wap.kkxs8.org/html/323/323324/72.html

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